Define Years or Level


The Define Years or Level option is used to manage an employee’s years or level of apprenticeship.


The definition of years or level of apprenticeship is optional. You can specify years or level of apprenticeship throughout maestro* without having to define them beforehand. This setting is therefore primarily used to describe the years or level of apprenticeship if necessary.

The years or level of apprenticeship created here can be used for all employees and all trades. The descriptions should therefore be general enough so that they can apply to all situations in which each apprenticeship year or level is used.

The years or level is often used to determine the hourly rate of an employee.



  maestro* > Time Management > Maintenance > Payroll > Define Years or Level


Creating an Apprenticeship Year or Level

  1. Enter the required information:



Year or Level

Code for the year of level of apprenticeship.

  1. Enter the required information in the Main Fields tab:



French Description

French description representing the year or level of apprenticeship.

English Description

English description representing the year or level of apprenticeship.

  1. Click Save.


See also


Last modification: September 19, 2024